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Licenses and patents

License № FS-99-01-007924, dated 14 March 2012 "On the implementation of high-tech medical care: the use of cellular technologies"

Resolution on the use of new medical technology "The fence, transportation, isolation, culturing, cryopreservation, storage and use of autologous fibroblasts to correct age and scar skin defects" FS № 2009/398 of 21.07.2010

Patent (USA) #US8,790,890 B2 “Diagnostic method for connective tissue and its application”

Patent Japan, 6028801, dated October 28, 2016 “Diagnostic method for connective tissue and its application”, priority date 6.09.2012

Patent Ukraine, 111344, dated April 25, 2016 "Diagnostic method for connective tissue and its application”, priority date 6.09.2012

Patent (RU) №2428996 “Biotransplantat for the correction of soft tissues (versions), the method for biotransplantat construction (versions) and the method for soft tissues’ defects correction”

Patent (RU) №2281776 “Biotransplantat and the method for correction of soft tissues defects, the method for biotransplantat construction”

Patent (RU) №2466680 “The method for medical skin diagnostics (versions)”

SPRS Therapy Trademark (Russia) №494180

Skin Passport Trademark (Russia) №434784

SPRS Therapy Trademark (Ukraine) №189845